Guidelines on Essential Umrah Regulations
Umrah is a blessed journey that is of great importance for Muslims. This beloved sunnah provides a unique chance to refresh one’s faith and cleanse the soul. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) himself performed it four times. Therefore, he has encouraged us to perform it at least once in our lifetime because it is an opportunity to seek forgiveness, make dua, and get closer to Allah Almighty. Muslims wish to avail themselves of this chance therefore, they book Umrah Packages to enjoy a smooth experience throughout the journey.
The Rules of Umrah
To be eligible to perform Umrah, one must stick to certain rules and conditions. These are as follows:
- It is necessary to be a Muslim.
- A Muslim must reach the age of puberty to perform Umrah.
- It is mandatory to have sound mental health. He must be able to control his mental faculties.
- Financial ability is another must-have rule. It is advised to have enough funds to afford the expenses of the holy journey, accommodation charges, and other amenities.
- A Muslim must be physically fit to travel to Mecca and perform the rituals of Umrah. Umrah is a hard and demanding worship, so it is recommended to have a sound body and mind.
All these conditions ensure that the believers are ready to take up the holy journey of Umrah.
Rules on Cutting of Hair and Nails During Umrah
Before entering the state of Ihram, it is recommended to cut nails and remove any unwanted hair from the body. It is not mandatory, but as per the Hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim,
“A time limit has been prescribed for clipping the moustache, cutting the nails, plucking hair under the armpits, and shaving the pubes, that it should not be neglected far more than forty nights.”
However, once a Muslim enters the state of Ihram, then it becomes forbidden for him to trim his hair or cut his nails. But if a nail gets broken, then he can cut the broken part. After completing Umrah, it is necessary for the men to shave their heads, a part of Umrah rituals called Halq, whereas female pilgrims need to trim their hair as per the length of their fingertips. This act is called taqsir.
We all know that every ritual has a meaning and significance. Allah Almighty has not asked us to do anything without a purpose. The motive behind the cutting of hair is that one’s head (hair) is a worldly thing. Muslims, in order to show submission to Allah Almighty, must detach themselves from it on the orders of Allah. This act infuses a sense of bowing before the commands of the Almighty without question and taking His orders wholeheartedly.
Rules of Umrah for Women
Just like Umrah rules in general, our religion has laid out specific ones for ladies, too. These include:
- Women who wish to perform Umrah must be in a state of purity. That means they must not be menstruating.
- It is necessary for them to dress modestly. They need to wear a hijab, ensuring that every part of their body is covered except their face, hands, and feet.
- Moreover, as women enter the state of Ihram, they are not allowed to wear perfume (not men, even), and they must refrain from wearing tight-fitting clothes, gloves, makeup, or henna.
- Ladies should not chase or kill insects or animals; they must refrain from swearing, fighting, or being involved in backbiting. Once a Muslim enters the state of Ihram, he should avoid establishing intimacy with his spouse or even getting married.
- A woman in her Iddah period (after getting divorced or widowed) is not allowed to perform Umrah for the required time (three months).
Rules for Mehram on Umrah
To obtain a Saudi tourist visa that is needed to perform Umrah, women are no longer required to be accompanied by a Mahram, husband, or blood-related male relative. They can now perform Umrah with their mothers, sisters, aunts, or close friends. Travel agencies have started to promote “women-only” Umrah packages.
Scholars have different points of view on this matter. Some believe that if a woman wishes to perform Hajj and Umrah, she must be with her Mahram. However, others believe that they can perform these rituals if they are in the trusted company of a group and travelling routes are secure.
Age Rules for Umrah
If a Muslim wishes to do Umrah and travel alone, then he needs to be 18 years old. Only then can he get a Saudi Visa for Umrah. Muslims under the age of 18 need a parent, guardian, or adult to travel for the minor pilgrimage.
What is Forbidden in Umrah?
This section includes a list of acts that become prohibited as you enter the state of Ihram.
- Using scented cosmetics (perfumes and soaps)
- Women covering their hands and face
- Men wearing a cap to cover their head or stitched clothes
- Trimming Nails and Cutting Hair
- Getting Married
- Engaging in sexual activity
- Chasing an animal with the intent of hunting
- Doing deforestation
- Killing an insect that is not of any harm to you (however, if it is dangerous, you can kill it)
- Taking drugs
- Picking up fights
- Swearing and backbiting
In Umrah, as long as you are in the state of Ihram, these restrictions are for you. Once you step out of Ihram, after performing Sa’ee and shaving the head, these limitations are waived. Even though the apparent restrictions are lifted, it is still important to practice good manners. Remove sinful actions and speech from your life and keep on practicing asking for forgiveness and staying close to Allah.
Wrap Up
Umrah is a deeply spiritual journey that Muslims take up to refresh their faith and get closer to Allah Almighty. Every Muslim who wishes to travel to the holy city of Mecca for Umrah must keep himself updated with the rules and regulations. These will help him to perform Umrah with a clear mind and thoughts. So, if you are looking to take up the holy journey, contact Muslims Holy Travel today. Book your Umrah packages at the best prices. You can also avail yourself of Family Umrah Packages for a joint venture.